Our training and consultancy service is entirely bespoke, based on the needs and aspirations of an individual, family or organisation. The way we work will be different every time, but our approach is based on human rights, equality of value and being experts in our own lives.
We provide training on issues such as:
- taking a person centred approach
- putting the voice of disabled children and young people at the heart of a specific setting or their own support team
- making the most of a Direct Payment
- being well through Mindfulness based practice: helping build resilience in a disabling world
Our Consultancy work includes:
- supporting research projects
- supporting families make the most of their Direct Payment
- developing & maintaining person centred teams
- engaging with families
- helping organisations listen to the voice of disabled children, young people and families
- For more information about our training & consultancy, please get in touch
All our training is based on ‘Changing Perspectives’ – a unique programme based on the family experience of living with impairment and disablement. We provide insight into the hopes, aspirations and everyday experience of disabled families.
Our courses inspire participants to change their perspective of living with impairment in a disabling world so that they can develop their own creative response to meet the needs of the people they are working with. We help people take a creative approach to the challenges they face, and to return to their work reconnected to a sense of purpose about what they are trying to do.
We have established courses and we design and develop new courses to meet the needs of our partners.
We bring together specialist teams to carry out consultations with disabled children, young people and their families.
We help organisations develop tools so that they can feed the voices of disabled children and their families into the development of the service they offer as a matter of course. We help commissioners in Children’s Services use the voice of children and families to inform future developments.
Listening is more than pointing your ears in someone’s direction and computing the words which come out of their mouths. Listening can mean going for a walk with someone and noticing what captures their interest. It can mean learning to recognise situations in which a person becomes upset, or becomes animated; it can mean watching a person’s movements, or the activities they choose over others; it can mean creating opportunities for that person to experience new things and observing their response. It can mean holding a person when they cry.
Micheline Mason
For more information about our training and consultancy programme, please get in touch.